We are pleased to announce the passing of the 2025 Special Election Question. On behalf of the Fire Commissioners of Fire District No.1, we would like to thank all the Bordentown Township residents that voted to support the Special Budget Question. Your continued support will allow the Fire District to maintain our quality service & safety. Yes Votes: 131 No Votes: 67
Reminder to All Residents
Please post your street address on the front of your residence, so that is viewable from the street. In the event of an emergency Police, Fire, or EMS will be able to locate your residence quickly. Please keep grass, weeds, leaves, and snow clear from around Fire Hydrants, so responding apparatus can see them.
Members Wanted
Mission Fire Company is looking for volunteers. Click the Join Button, and fill out the form to submit a request for an application. Someone will contact you to pick it up. Or you can stop by the firehouse located at 51 Groveville Rd, Yardville, NJ 08620(Across from Northern Community Park). Someone is there from 6:00am-6:00pm 7 Days a Week.